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Combat Stress 100


Combat Stress 100

Made by veterans

Proudly supporting our veterans

For over 100 years, we’ve supported veterans struggling with their mental health

In November 2020 we released the Combat Stress 100 project – a true insight into the impact of living with military trauma. Unfiltered, unguarded and profoundly moving accounts from UK veterans highlight the agony of living with PTSD and the toll this, and other complex mental health conditions, can have on veterans and their families.

For over 100 years, we have provided specialist mental health support to former servicemen and women from every Service and every conflict. Whilst some may find the stories in the project hard to hear, as a charity we feel it’s important that they are heard.

The Combat Stress 100 project – undertaken to mark our centenary - was made in partnership with reminiscence charity Age Exchange. It was made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and of course the veterans who so bravely shared their stories.

Please be aware: the podcast, film and Living Archive are not suitable for those aged under 16. They contain strong language, as well as upsetting descriptions of combat, trauma-related events and the realities of living with a serious mental health issue.

Listen, watch and learn

The impact of military trauma


Combat Stress 100 Film 

This 60-minute film captures the compelling stories of military veterans – the camaraderie of basic training, fighting on the front line, the devastating impact of PTSD, and their enduring strength to rebuild their lives.  The film was made by eight veterans with mental health conditions who were treated by us.  They were trained to film and conduct interviews with fellow veterans who have also been supported by the charity.  Across the UK, veterans sat down in front of the camera and gave unfiltered, unguarded and profoundly moving accounts of their experiences. 

To watch the film, click the link below.

CLICK HERE: To watch the film on our website. Please be aware: the film is not suitable for those aged under 16. It contains strong language, as well as upsetting descriptions of combat, trauma-related events and the realities of living with a serious mental health issue.


Combat Stress 100 Podcast

Over this six-episode series, you’ll hear the heartrending true stories of UK military veterans who experienced extraordinary events and survived, but not without consequences; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and, for some, substance misuse.

Click here more information and available episodes

The Combat Stress 100 podcast is kindly sponsored by CDS Defence & Security.

Combat Stress: The Living Archive

Veterans’ individual testimonies from the filming  have become part of our new Living Archive. These powerful first person accounts will be stored for future reference and available to the public to help encourage understanding about the impact of living with military trauma.

View the Living Archive

Combat Stress: The Living Archive is kindly sponsored by AlixPartners



The Combat Stress 100 project contains talk about military service and traumatic events which some people may find upsetting. Our 24/7 free Helpline remains open, so please do not hesitate to call if you need someone to talk to or any guidance during this time.



“I don’t like to admit it but before I got help, I was frightened of my own actions. I felt I was going insane"


“Combat Stress put me back together”


“I had to relive it, every day and every night. Luckily for me, Combat Stress was there to help”