Combat Stress 100 PODCAST

Combat Stress 100
Podcast series, 6 episodes
Over this six-episode series, you’ll hear the heartrending true stories of UK military veterans who experienced extraordinary events and survived, but not without consequences; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and, for some, substance misuse.
Thankfully, with support from veterans’ mental health charity Combat Stress, these men and women are rebuilding their lives. Combat Stress worked with UK reminiscence charity Age Exchange to travel the length and breadth of the UK recording interviews with veterans who’ve been treated by Combat Stress.
Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the charities brought together veterans to tell their powerful stories, often for the first time in public.
The Combat Stress 100 podcast is kindly sponsored by CDS Defence & Security.
CDS Defence & Security is truly committed to supporting those who serve, those who have served, and their families. The work Combat Stress do to provide lifesaving treatment to veterans suffering with ill mental health is absolutely vital, and we are proud to be part of this initiative.
Episode Two
In this episode we hear from veterans with military-related psychological trauma about what happened when they transitioned from the military to civvy street. Lee Robinson, Principal Psychologist at Combat Stress explains why the transition can so adversely affect veterans’ mental health and what support is available to them.
Episode 3
PTSD and Complex PTSD rarely strike on their own; depression, anxiety, anger or substance misuse tend to come with the territory, making veterans’ mental health condition even more complex. This episode combines clinical insight from world-leading expert, Dr Walter Busuttil, with the true stories of veterans who turned their lives around, and from the Combat Stress clinicians who helped them on that journey.
Episode 4
In this episode, veterans with PTSD explain how a condition known as hypervigilance – a state of increased alertness – can make day-to-day life a challenge, and Combat Stress Clinical Psychologist, Dawn Phee, describes how hypervigilance affects the mind and body. Over this six-episode series, you’ll hear the heartrending true stories of UK military veterans who experienced extraordinary events and survived, but not without consequences; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and, for some, substance misuse. Thankfully, with support from veterans’ mental health charity Combat Stress, these men and women are rebuilding their lives.
Episode 5
Through no fault of their own, veterans can develop moral injuries alongside PTSD after witnessing or being unable to prevent acts that go against what they believe is right. In this episode Combat Stress’ Head of Research, Dr Dominic Murphy, explains what moral injuries are and the research they’re undertaking to identify effective treatment. You’ll also hear veterans describe the situations that left them with moral injuries.
Episode 6
In this final episode you’ll hear about the devastating impact veterans’ PTSD can have on their families with first-hand accounts from veterans and family members. You’ll also hear the latest insights from Combat Stress’ Head of Research, Dr Dominic Murphy, and about the support Combat Stress is providing to veterans’ families.
The Combat Stress 100 Project was made in conjunction with Age Exchange and made possible thanks to funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
The Combat Stress 100 project contains talk about military service and traumatic events which some people may find upsetting. Our 24/7 free Helpline remains open, so please do not hesitate to call if you need someone to talk to or any guidance during this time.