Combat Stress Lottery
You can win big in the Combat Stress lottery while helping veterans transform their lives!
It costs just £1 a week for the chance to win £10,000 plus many more cash prizes!
At the same time, you will be ensuring that every veteran who turns to us gets the help they need and deserve.
How it works
Join our lottery and you'll be given a unique 6-digit number to be entered into the Forces Lottery weekly draw.
Match your digits with the winning number and you win. Prizes are sent out by post for winners, but you can also check your results online.
You must be 16 or over to enter. Your digits match if they are in the same place as they are in the winning number.
By joining through Combat Stress you are pledging at least 50p of every £1 from your entries to us each time you play.
This money goes towards life-changing treatment and support.
This might include one to one sessions with a member of our specialist team based in the local community or visiting one of our treatment centres for an outpatient appointment or residential programme.
Join now in 3 simple steps
It has never been a more crucial time to support our work with veterans as demand for our services is at an all-time high.
If you would like more information please contact the lottery helpline number on 0370 050 5891.
For full Terms and Conditions, our Self Exclusion Policy and other useful documents please click here.
Combat Stress is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under account number 44937.
In 2024 Combat Stress received £199,657 in ticket sales. A minimum of 66% of all proceeds from the lottery is spent on our good cause work, 13% is spent on lottery prizes and 21% on expenses.