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Combat Stress awarded £100,000 Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust grant to support high-risk veterans

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We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded £100,000, over two years, by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust to provide specialised suicide prevention toolkits to those working with high-risk veterans.

Training will be tailored to all four UK nations and provided across multiple sectors and services, enabling people - from leaders to frontline workers to volunteers - and organisations working with high-risk veterans to provide better and more informed support.

The toolkits will be accessible 24/7 to ensure that people living with, working with or caring for veterans at high-risk of suicide have an in-depth knowledge of how best to support them. Our clinicians will also host live events to address issues facing staff working with high-risk veterans.

Jeff Harrison, CEO at Combat Stress, said: “Every veteran suicide is one too many. We have to find a way to persuade anyone wanting to end their life that there is help and support out there. We also must ensure that all preventative support is as effective as possible, and reflects leading research.

“With over a century’s experience of supporting veterans with some of the most complex mental health issues, we are in a prime position to provide our knowledge and expertise to complement and enhance the great work of other organisations in the sector.”

We continue to work closely with the Ministry of Defence, NHS and other military charities to help veterans access the most appropriate support, as well as overcome the stigma of mental health and encourage veterans to come forward.

If you are a veteran struggling with your mental health, please call our 24 hour helpline on 0800 138 1619 for confidential advice and support.