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War widow raises over £1,000

War widow raises over £1,000

A war widow from London has raised over £1,000, by completing two tabs in the Falklands – one 20 mile tab from Sussex Mountain to Goose Green and a 13 mile tab from Furze Bush Pass to Stanley.

Jay Hyrons, whose husband died at the Battle of Goose Green during the Falklands War, completed the walks in memory of her late husband Lance Corporal Gary Bingley MM who served with The Second Battalion the Parachute Regiment.

Jay said “I hadn’t been to the Falklands in the last 35 years. I walked in my husband’s last steps before he died, from Sussex Mountain to Goose Green. I've always admired what everybody did in the Falklands. My admiration having walked that walk has gone up tenfold. You really see what they were up against."

Jay chose to raise money for Combat Stress through her walk as the charity is a cause close to her heart.

“I know a few guys that have received support from Combat Stress and had some really good results from them."

Robert Marsh, Director Income Generation said;

“I’d like to thank Jay for choosing to support Combat Stress through her Falklands tab in memory of her late husband.

“35 years on from the end of the Falklands War, we are still looking after Falklands veterans and many are still coming forward for support with issues like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s vital that we raise awareness and funds for the charity so we can continue to support every veteran that comes to us for help.

“Without fundraisers, like Jay, we wouldn’t be able to continue to provide this life changing treatment.”

To sponsor Jay please visit her Just Giving page.