01:04:54 Tristan Haynes: The basis of our activities are around fostering a sense of basic resilience. We incorporate making a basic 'shelter' and being involved in preparing hot drinks, food etc into our activities programmes. We also reassure veterans constantly about the standards they can expect, who they can go to if they do encounter an issue and we also communicate with them between sessions to be clear on our plans for the next session. 01:06:34 John Pluckwell: Same here. Agree realistic achievements for our members to strive to. Team work and where the attendee prefers solo. 01:35:28 Tristan Haynes: Thank you, very useful. I'm off to work with my veterans in the woods right now... :-) Tristan, Small Woods. 01:38:45 Tristan Haynes: Great stuff, thank you both, your expertise is clearly evidence and Combat Stress are well spoken of by our veterans! Good luck everyone X 01:39:05 John Pluckwell: Thank you so much all